Thursday, March 19, 2020
Persuasive Essay on Abortion
Persuasive Essay on Abortion Abortion is the practice of terminating a pregnancy resulting in, or closely followed by, the death of the human fetus. In 1973 the famous court case of Roe versus Wade legalized abortion in the United States. Since that time, despite the occurrence of over thirty-five million abortions, abortion has become a prevalent social issue, extremely debatable and controversial. For the most part people can be divided into two basic categories: those in favor of abortion and those opposed to it. Both groups feel strongly concerning the issue and regularly debate its morality. These opinions on abortion are so powerful that the issue is frequently referred to in politics and is often a deciding factor when votes are being cast for public office. Obviously, these fierce opinions are influenced by far more than whimsical convictions, which raises the question: why do people feel so strongly about abortion? The answer to two key questions determine an individuals stand on abortion. First, what is life? Second, when does life begin? Those opposed to abortion, known as pro-life, believe that human life occurs at conception, the point when a fathers sperm unites with the mothers egg and a genetically individual organism is created. Those who are pro-life argue that because at conception the embryo is not an extension or part of the mothers body, it is an authentic and equal human life. A completely unique biological system occurs at conception, the identical system that exists at death. Based upon genetics, this leads those who are pro-life to believe that human life exists at any time between these two points. Thus, anti-abortionists believe that humanity does not depend on size, stage of development or place of residence (Garton 5). Those who are pro-life also consider the various developments of a human fetus when determining its humanity. For example, at six weeks an unborn child is able to experience pain. An unborn baby of eight weeks has established its own set of specific fingerprints, the exact set that, if born, the child will carry into adulthood. Furthermore, by three months into a normal pregnancy all of the unborn infants organ systems are intact and working. The fetus sleeps, wakes, tastes, hears, senses and simply continues to grow until birth (Erhard 2). All of these distinct human traits cause these people to strongly believe that behind every ultrasound, amniocentesis and blood sample test there is the real flesh, blood and bone of a child (Reilly 23). Finally, infants, still in the womb can be viewed, monitored, have surgery, and receive blood transfusions (Erhard 2). Therefore, those opposed to abortion find it illogical that these unborn babies could not be part of the human family. Due to the belief that an unborn fetus is an equal human being, many oppose abortion on the grounds that it is a brutal and inhumane form of murder. There are seven major induced abortion methods which are used, depending upon the babys development in the womb. Each and every one of these surgeries are viewed by those who resist abortion as inhumane and brutal murder. The most common abortion technique is the Suction Aspiration where a powerful suction tube is inserted into the womb via a dilated cervix. Sucking the fetus and placenta into a container, the developing infant is grossly dismembered, body parts such as arms, legs and head often recognizable. The second method is known as the Dilation and Curettage where the cervix is dilated to allow the insertion of a loop-shaped knife so that the fetus and placenta can be cut into pieces and extracted. This is identical to the third technique of Dilation and Evacuation, except that Dilation and Evacuation requires the use of special f orceps because the fetus has already developed calcified bones. Fourth is Saline Amniocentesis, which only occurs after sixteen weeks of pregnancy. In this maneuver a needle containing a strong salt solution is inserted into the mothers amnionic fluid sac. This concentrated salt poisons the developing baby and usually the next day the mother goes into labor delivering a dead and shriveled baby. Prostaglandins, used in the fifth type of action, are hormones that induce the labor of a child typically too young to survive. Sixth, is a process known as a Hysterotomy, very similar to a Cesarean Section and used if Prostaglandin and Saline amniocentesis fail. Finally, is the technique of Dilation and Extraction, Partial Birth Abortion. This is a late pregnancy method where the baby, inches from being delivered, is punctured in the head. The brain is sucked out and the pregnancy terminated (Pro-Life Info). According to Illinois Physician M. LeRoy Sprang: Forcibly incising the cranium with a scissors and then suctioning out the brain is certainly excruciatingly painful. (Reilly 101). For this reason anti-abortionists see these various surgeries and procedures as not just the ending of a pregnancy, but also the death of an innocent life. They therefore radically oppose them. Theologically based, other prevalent reasons for the opposition to abortion originate from the Bible. Although the Bible does not clearly condemn abortion, it has much to say about the value of human life, keeping in mind that these people already hold to the view that unborn babies are fully equal humans. First, Genesis 1:27 states God created man in his own image. This verse is a foundation for the pro-life belief that all human life is sacred because it is made by and in the image of an almighty God. Unlike other animals, man is able to think, reason, and function at a high social level. This is all part of the concept of being made in the image of God (Davis 152). Also supporting this belief is Psalms 139:13-14, where the psalmist writes For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mothers womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. This portion of scripture indicates that God had a hand in the creation of life even in its earliest stages. Thus, it is argued that God values the life of the unborn child at every stage of development, not only after birth. Furthermore, in Exodus 20:13, a portion of the Ten Commandments, the Bible says You shall not murder. As previously discussed, anti-abortionists recognize abortion as murder of innocent life and therefore use this verse to oppose the termination of pregnancy. Obviously, the anti-abortionist would argue, because God is the creator of individual and unique life in the womb, what right has man to terminate this life? Pro-life activists also find a basis for their opposition to abortion in the mere individuality of each and every person. From a single celled zygote the specific characteristics that an individual will possess as an adult can be determined, all completely unique. Despite any deformity, inability, or low functioning capacity of any kind, anti-abortionists recognize each person as an individual who is designed by God and is special and unique. Therefore, they feel that all unborn children should be given a chance to reach their potential in the world. The argument is often used that of all infants aborted how many may have been presidents, senators, professional athletes, writers, astronauts, mathematicians or doctors? Although this can be refuted by the fact that aborted babies would also create an increase of criminals and dregs upon society, the concept is that every person, a irreplaceable and extraordinary individual, should be given the right to live life to its fullest. As in all aspects of life, many people are influenced by authorities over them that they appreciate and trust. For example, a person may be swayed in opposition to abortion by the stand of the church that he or she attends. Although in modern society several liberal churches have accepted the practice of abortion as acceptable and normal, a large group of churches remain from several denominations who are radically outspoken against abortion. Various churches are a moral authority for millions of people across the United States and therefore a church stand against abortion is often a reason for a personal opposition to this issue. Abortion, a common practice in the ancient world, is nothing new. Plato wrote that ill-conceived embryos should not be brought to birth and if the children were born, the parents should dispose of them. Aristotle was also of the opinion that deformed children should be exposed and left to die. (Davis 131.) In fact, the earliest recorded reference to abortion is by a Chinese Emperor in 2737 B.C. However, early Christianity was resolutely opposed to abortion, which was common in ancient Greece and Rome. The Didache or Teaching of the Twelve Apostles , a manual of Christian morals and church affairs from the first century, stated, Thou shalt do no murder thou shalt not procure abortion, nor commit infanticide. (Davis 131). This determined resistance to abortion demonstrated by Christian church patriarchs for millennia is often a foundation for opposition to abortion in todays society. Individuals who understand the direct condemnation given abortion by respected church fathers often imm ediately assume it to be a horrendous evil. A less noted reason for hostility towards abortion is one of a psychological dimension. Many believe that an act as intimate as an abortion is bound to have significant psychological repercussions (Harwood 73). Although hard data are difficult to obtain because of the highly subjective nature of the reporting and the emotionally charged nature of the subject, nevertheless there is evidence that guilt, depression, and other forms of psychological conflict plague many women who have had abortions (Davis 142). Through various studies, approximately sixty percent of women expressed distress within eight weeks of their abortions. These symptoms included feelings of guilt, anxiety, depression, sense of loss, remorse and deterioration of self image (Harwood 73). Also, though typically unnoticed, men are mentally affected by abortion. This includes both boyfriends and husbands who are in some way involved in the abortion procedure. Doctor Arthur Shostak, a professor of Sociology at Drexel Un iversity, has conducted several studies on the affects abortions may have on males. They dont think of it just as an operation that their wives or girlfriends are having, stated Shostak. They think of it, even though they dont always describe it this way, as a loss of fatherhood. (Davis 143).Although many may not be affected by abortion, it does appear evident that the psychological consequences of abortion may be felt by millions of people in America for decades to come. On the opposite end of the spectrum, an equivalently vast number of people, also with powerful convictions, are thoroughly convinced of the morality and necessity of abortion. Abortionists typically believe that the idea that a baby exists at the moment of conception is entirely a religious theory, and is preposterous. They readily state that to believe that one cell is already a full human being and should be treated as such is so patently absurd that it is almost to difficult to refute (Reilly 35). Those in favor of abortion are forced to admit that embryos are at the very least potential life, but they refuse to acknowledge them as fully human until all normal human structures and functions have been developed and are readily being used (Paul 24). In other words a fetus is not considered human one week before birth, but is an equal human life after birth. This theory causes one to wonder, are the elderly with failing body functions still considered human? If so, then this is a hig hly hypocritical, although common, rationale for abortion. Finally, abortionists frequently separate the definitions of human life and personhood. Defining personhood as both the capacity for self-conscious thought and acceptance as a member of a social community, they may admit that a fetus is human life, but deny its rights as a person (World Book Encyclopedia). In defense of abortion, the best interest of the mother and family are frequently observed. Abortion supporters often ask the question, Should any woman be forced to continue a pregnancy or be saddled with bringing up a child for eighteen years without any regard for the consequences, without any regard for the expressed will or desire of that woman, or of the couple? (Reilly 36). The first instance of abortion being used as a family benefit is one of birth control. Many families may not be able to adequately support additional children or may be immensely inconvenienced by a new family member and therefore see abortion as a solution. Thus in the abortionists mind, the value of an infants life depends upon the desire for a child by his or her parents. In addition, abortionists inquire, Is it more important to minimize abortion or to minimize the birth of children to women who are unprepared to provide the familial structure needed for children to become stable and responsible adults? (Paul 27). Believing that it can be socially dysfunctional to have children out of wedlock, abortionists encourage abortion for single women who become pregnant. Indeed, a 1991 survey reflected that over fifty percent of pregnancies involving unmarried women resulted in abortion (Paul 29). Because they recognize the need for strong two-parent homes, pro-abortion activists proclaim abortion to be a valuable tool for family planning. However, this argument is refuted by anti-abortionists who say that if individuals would simply abstain from sexual promiscuity, there would be no instances of out of wedlock pregnancy and therefore no need for abortion. The question then arises, is abortion acceptable in cases of rape? This is a question many anti-abortionists have difficulty answering and is consequently a primary line of reasoning for the legality of abortion. In truth, one sixteenth of one percent of all abortions deal with rape (Davis 154). Hence, only approximately six of every ten thousand abortions occur because of rape and the other 9,994 usually occur because of social issues. Still, pregnant rape victims are an issue to be considered. Supporters of abortion maintain that in cases of rape women who follow through with the pregnancy may be haunted by flashbacks of their terrible experience. Also, because these rape victims are typically single young women, it would be difficult for them to raise a child and abortion proponents believe the mother must be considered first in this type of situation (Paul 133). Abortionists contend that a womans choice to commit an abortion should be based upon her particular set of circumstance s (Harwood 65). In addition to rape, the safety of the mother is probably the most referred to grounds for abortion. When complications arise as a result of pregnancy, abortionists, not believing a fetus to be an equal human life, naturally assume priority to the mother. Some anti-abortionists also accept that a motherà ¢s life must have priority when it is jeopardized by a complicated pregnancy. Reasoning behind this is apparent contradiction is that the mother is already a valuable member of society whose death would pose a much greater tragedy than that of the unborn child (Schwenkler 31). Because abortionists consider abortion to be an acceptable choice in any instance deemed appropriate by the mother, they do not hesitate to approve abortion when a womans heath is at risk. Another issue that pertains to some proponents of abortion is one that is seldom considered. This matter is one that deals with the value of human life. Some abortion activists may admit that a fetus is a living human being, but do not believe that to be sufficient reasoning to prevent the fetusà ¢s death. These advocates of abortion deem that mere membership of the species Homo Sapiens is not crucial to whether the life of the being may or may not be taken (Paul 28). This image of human life does not recognize any difference between the lives of people and of other animals and therefore makes abortion as significant as exterminating a pesky rodent or putting to sleep an unwanted puppy. However, at some point abortionists must admit that people have the human right to live. This point is typically after birth when the child reaches a point of self awareness. On these grounds a child already born has the right to life, not because human life is sacred, but rather because that child h as become a self-aware being and an accepted member of society (Paul 28). An additional, widespread motivation for getting an abortion is the occurrence of deformities in a fetus. Again, those in favor of abortion find this acceptable based on their belief that a mothers set of circumstances outweigh the right of the infant to live. It is not unethical for a woman to choose to abort a handicapped fetus. Because the woman would be responsible for raising the handicapped child, only she can decide whether to bring the pregnancy to term. The theoretical interests of the fetus do not outweigh the real rights of the mother (Schwenkler 70). Furthermore, abortionists argue that by aborting the deformed infant, they are actually doing what is best for the child. They state that the child will live a valueless life due to his or her severe mental or physical handicap. Obviously abortionists place the value of human life on mental and physical success. However, typically the reason for the abortion of a deformed fetus is the parents desire for a perfect child (Davis). This is because many parents do not want to deal with the social difficulties of having a severely impaired child. Furthermore, due to vast amounts of special care, critically handicapped children can pose a heavy economic hardship on parents. Again, it is the abortionists philosophy that each mother and family make decisions concerning abortion that are based entirely on individual circumstances and personal opinions concerning what is preeminent. Although this is a common practice, only a master race ethic would hold that only the physically and intellectual ly elite have the right to live (Davis 146). In conclusion abortion is a highly contentious matter that should not be taken lightly. Very few women and families regret carrying out a pregnancy. However, over fifty percent of women have compunctions concerning their decision to terminate a pregnancy (Harwood 73). Even those who contend that a fetus is not a person must at the very least admit that a fetus is human life and is a potential human being. When an abortion occurs, that human life, however small, is eliminated. This is a biological fact, not a moral judgment. Obviously, there are an astronomical number of reasons why people feel so strongly about the issue of abortion, most of them valid. These reasons ranging from specific to general and personal to universal are based on a variety of life experiences and circumstances. Due to vast differences in the general nature of people, social and religious backgrounds, moral authorities, views of humanity, economic situations and biological interpretations, a constant conflict ensues regarding abortion. This conflict is a permanent one and will endure as long as children are born into the world. 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Tuesday, March 3, 2020
What Is the Average SAT Score
What Is the Average SAT Score SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you've taken the SAT, you're probably curious about how your score stacks up against average SAT scores. There are lots of different ways to look at averages on the SAT. What is the average SAT score overall?How many types of average SAT scores are there? And which averages are important for you? We'll answer all of these questions and more to tell you which SAT average scores actually matter for your future. So what is the average SAT score? That really depends on which group of people you're looking at. Below, we look at national averages as well as averages by gender, ethnicity, family income, high school type, and state. National SAT Average Score According to the College Board's 2018 total group report, the national SAT average scores (for all 2018 high school graduates) are as follows: Evidence-Based Reading and Writing: 536 Math: 531 Total: 1068 As you can see, if you score higher than 1068 on the SAT, youââ¬â¢ll be above the national average and will have scored better than most test takers. If you score less than 1068, however, you'll be below the national average and will have scored lower than most test takers. Bonus: Review how to find the average of a set of numbers for yourself here. Disappointed with your scores? Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points? We've written a guide about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now: Average SAT Scores by Gender The College Board has also calculated the average SAT scores by gender. These averages are based on members of the class of 2018 who took the SAT. There are two sections on the SAT: Math and Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (EBRW). Each section is out of 800 points and then combined for a total score out of 1600. Gender EBRW Math Total Female 539 522 1061 Male 534 542 1076 No Response 406 374 779 As you can see, males outperform females on Math by 20 points, while females exceed males on EBRW by 5 points. According to a statistical significance test (t-test), the differences in EBRW and math scores here are considered extremely significant (in technical terms, the P value is less than 0.0001, meaning roughly that it is very unlikely these differences are due to chance). The difference between genders in math* test scores has been explored by academic researchers and has been a controversial topic. It should be a goal of the educational system to close this achievement gap between genders. *I looked for research to back up the differences between EBRW scores for students identifying as male vs those identifying as females but was unable to find anything both relevant and peer-reviewed from the last 15 years. We'll update this article with more information as and when it comes out. Average SAT Scores by Ethnicity When registering for the SAT, the College Board gives you the option to specify your ethnicity, with most students opting to share it.Here are the average SAT scores by ethnicity: Ethnicity # of Test Takers EBRW Math Total American Indian/Alaska Native 10,946 480 469 949 Asian 217,971 588 635 1223 Black/African American 263,318 483 463 946 Hispanic/Latino 499,442 501 489 990 Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 5,620 498 489 986 White 930,825 566 557 1123 Two or More Races 77,078 558 543 1101 No Response 131,339 472 481 954 Total 2,136,539 536 531 1068 Source: Total Group Report 2018 The implications of these results are important to consider. The black-white test score gap, for example, has been researched extensively to try to find the root causes of it. In the other direction, Asians have the highest SAT score averages, which has led some to question whether colleges discriminate against Asians. (Of course, the disparity in sizes of the different groups taking the SAT and socioeconomic inequality also play a key role in creating these differences.) As with gender, reducing achievement gaps between ethnicities is a critical priority for educators. Average SAT Score by Family Income The College Board also allows students to report their family income. Most donââ¬â¢t, but thereââ¬â¢s a definite trend among those who do. These averages are from 2016 and based on the old SAT scoring system (out of 2400), as the 2017 and 2018 reports did not release data by family income. Note that on the old SAT, instead of one EBRW score, you got two separate scores for Reading and Writing (each out of 800). Family Income Number Taking Reading Math Writing Total Less than $20,000 124,290 435 453 426 1314 $20,001-$40,000 158,909 465 477 452 1394 $40,001-$60,000 132,182 488 495 471 1454 $60,001-$80,000 115,998 503 509 485 1497 $80,001-$100,000 119,593 517 527 501 1545 $100,001-$140,000 146,434 530 539 513 1582 $140,001-$200,000 98,275 542 553 528 1623 More than $200,000 87,482 569 586 562 1717 No Response 659,426 482 501 473 1456 Source: Total Group Profile Report 2016 As you can see,a higher average score on the SAT is typically associated with higher family income. This is a trend thatââ¬â¢s been observed for some time. There are many reasons why those from higher-income families tend to score higher on the SAT- they are likely to attend better schools and have more resources to devote to preparation, to name a couple. This is another key equity issue facing educators. One of the stated reasons for the SAT redesign was to try to make test results less correlated with income, but it remains to be seen if the College Board has been successful. Here are the average scores by income converted to the new SAT score scale for your reference: Family Income Math (New) EBRW New Total Less than $20,000 490 480 970 $20,001-$40,000 510 510 1020 $40,001-$60,000 530 540 1070 $60,001-$80,000 540 550 1090 $80,001-$100,000 560 570 1130 $100,001-$140,000 570 580 1150 $140,001-$200,000 570 590 1160 More than $200,000 610 620 1230 No Response 530 560 1090 Average SAT Score by School Type Average SAT scores also differ by school type. Again, these averages come from 2016 and use the old 2400-point SAT scale (the 2017 and 2018 reports did not release information for school type). School Type Reading Math Writing Total Public 487 494 472 1453 Religiously Affiliated 532 537 525 1594 Independent 530 579 536 1645 Other or Unknown 491 580 498 1569 Source: Total Group Profile Report 2016 As you can see, students at independent schools have the highest averages, followed by those at religious private schools, other or unknown schools, and finally public schools. This trend is unsurprising sinceprivate school attendance is typically expensive- certainly more expensive than public school! Thus, the pattern here is clearly correlated with income, which we already saw made a big difference in average SAT scores. Educational achievement is an incredibly complex issue, with environmental, social, and economic factors all at play. Reducing achievement gaps by gender, ethnicity, and income is a big priority for educators. See below for the converted average scores for your reference: School Type Math (New) EBRW New Total Public 520 540 1060 Religiously Affiliated 560 590 1150 Independent 560 590 1150 Other or Unknown 520 550 1070 Average SAT Score by State Below, Iââ¬â¢ve given the 2018 average SAT scores by state (as well as for Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands, and Washington, DC). State # of Test Takers EBRW Math Total Alabama (6%) 2,878 595 571 1166 Alaska (43%) 3,334 562 544 1106 Arizona (29%) 20,188 577 572 1149 Arkansas (5%) 1,591 592 576 1169 California (60%) 262,228 540 536 1076 Colorado (100%) 58,790 519 506 1025 Connecticut (100%) 44,700 535 519 1053 Delaware (100%) 11,055 505 492 998 District of Columbia (92%) 4,985 497 480 977 Florida (97%) 176,746 522 493 1014 Georgia (70%) 74,240 542 522 1064 Hawaii (56%) 7,880 550 549 1099 Idaho (100)% 20,484 508 493 1001 Illinois (99%) 145,919 513 506 1019 Indiana (67%) 48,962 546 539 1086 Iowa (3%) 994 634 632 1265 Kansas (4%) 1,419 633 631 1265 Kentucky (4%) 1,925 630 618 1248 Louisiana (4%) 2,027 615 595 1210 Maine (99%) 14,310 512 501 1013 Maryland (76%) 48,040 545 535 1080 Massachusetts (80%) 59,382 562 563 1125 Michigan (100%) 115,281 511 499 1011 Minnesota (4%) 2,464 643 655 1298 Mississippi (3%) 806 630 606 1236 Missouri (4%) 2,420 633 629 1262 Montana (10%) 952 606 592 1229 Nebraska (3%) 688 629 623 1252 Nevada (23%) 5,588 574 566 1140 New Hampshire (96%) 14,834 535 528 1063 New Jersey (82%) 84,672 547 547 1094 New Mexico (16%) 3,225 552 540 1093 New York (79%) 162,551 534 534 1068 North Carolina (52%) 54,987 554 543 1098 North Dakota (2%) 148 640 643 1283 Ohio (18%) 22,992 552 547 1099 Oklahoma (8%) 3,337 541 521 1062 Oregon (48%) 17,476 564 553 1117 Pennsylvania (70%) 96,740 547 539 1086 Puerto Rico 3,783 512 481 993 Rhode Island (97%) 10,161 513 505 1018 South Carolina (55%) 25,390 547 523 1070 South Dakota (3%) 260 622 618 1241 Tennessee (6%) 4,181 624 607 1231 Texas (66%) 226,374 520 512 1032 Utah (4%) 1,425 618 612 1230 Vermont (64%) 4,323 565 554 1120 Virginia (68%) 61,576 567 550 1117 Virgin Islands, US 635 490 445 935 Washington (69%) 48,574 543 538 1081 West Virginia (28%) 5,058 513 486 999 Wisconsin (3%) 1,923 641 653 1294 Wyoming (3%) 169 633 635 1257 Source: The College Board There's a lot of variation in average SAT scores by state. This is due to a lot of factors, but one big one is whether or not the state requires all public school students to take the SAT. In these cases, scores tend to be lower because even students who might not typically take the SAT (or prepare for it) musttake it in school. By contrast, in states where the SAT is not required, students who take the SAT take it specifically to prepare their college applications. As a result, the subsample of students who take the SAT will, in general, be more prepared and get higher scores. For more info on this topic, check out our complete guide to average SAT scores by state. What Average SAT Scores Really Matter for YOU? While we've gone through a lot of interesting SAT data based on gender, ethnicity, family income, school type, and state, most of it wonââ¬â¢t be particularly relevant to your own interests and goals. The truth is, what SAT score you need depends entirely on the schools you're applying to. The average SAT scores that matter most for you are the averages for the colleges youââ¬â¢re interested in. If you can score above a school's average SAT score, you'll have a far better chance of getting in. But what score should you aim for specifically? The score you need to hit to give yourself your best chance of admission is your SAT goal score. We explain more about how to find this in our article onwhat makes a good SAT score. Briefly, though, here's what you'll need to do: on a chart, record the 25th and 75th percentile SAT scores (i.e., the middle 50% or average range) for each of the schools you're applying to. Once you've filled everything out, look for the highest 75th percentile score to getyour goal score. Hit this score on test day, and you'll have a great shot at getting into your dream school! What's Next? Not sure whether you should take the SAT? Here are 10 reasons to consider taking the test. Want to know the average SAT scores from past years?Maybe you want help predicting your own SAT score, or are wondering whether there's a minimum SAT score requirement for college. Need help preparing for the SAT? Then check out our total guide to studying for the test. We also have a one-month cramming planandsome tips for balancing your test prep with school! Want to learn more about the SAT but tired of reading blog articles? Then you'll love our free SAT prep livestreams. Designed and led by PrepScholar SAT experts, these live video events are a great resource for students and parents looking to learn more about the SAT and SAT prep. Click on the button below to register for one of our livestreams today!
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